Diy Deer Feeder Setup Made Easy

Deer Feed

Are you looking for an easy way to feed deer in your area? DIY deer feeder setup can be a great way to get the job done. Plus, it doesn’t take much time or money to do it! With just a few materials and some know-how, you can have your own deer feeder set up in no time.

This article will provide helpful tips and tricks for setting up your own DIY deer feeder, so you can start seeing more wildlife around your home. You’ll learn how to:

– Choose the right location
– Gather the necessary materials
– Mount the feeder
– Fill it correctly
– Maintain it well.

So don’t wait any longer – let’s get started on setting up that perfect DIY deer feeder today!

Gather the Necessary Materials


Gather what you need quickly and easily with this simple list of materials for your DIY deer feeder setup! First, you’ll need a sturdy post to mount the feeder on, as well as a staple gun and staples to secure it. Depending on the size of your feeder, you may also require various tools such as screwdrivers and wrenches for installing.

Additionally, be sure to have measuring tools at hand so that you can accurately determine the space needed for mounting the post. Finally, make sure to have a level or other device handy so that everything is mounted properly in order for the feeder’s effectiveness.

With all these materials ready to go, it’s time to choose a location for your DIY deer feeder setup! Pick an area where there is plenty of natural sunlight and no trees nearby that could block out the light during certain times of day. Also look out for any hazards such as predators or traffic lanes that may pose danger if animals are attracted by food sources from nearby roadsides.

Lastly, consider how close this spot is from other human populations since animals will be more likely to come when they feel safe and away from people.

Positioning your deer feeder in an ideal location requires careful consideration that pays attention to many factors – both those relating directly to safety, as well as those contributing indirectly towards attracting wildlife. By taking into account each element carefully before choosing a spot, you can ensure successful results with your DIY deer feeder setup! With proper preparation done beforehand, selecting just the right place will be much easier than imagined.

Choose the Right Location


Choosing the right spot to put your deer feeder can be a real headache – so take your time and don’t cut corners! You want to make sure the area you choose is conducive to attracting deer, so consider factors such as nearby cover, access from trails and paths, and whether or not there’s an existing food source.

Make sure you also look for signs of human disturbance like trash or noise that could scare away any potential visitors. Additionally, it’s important to deer-proof the area by removing any plants that could potentially attract browsing animals such as raccoons or bears.

Once you’ve picked the perfect location, it’s time to start thinking about how to mount the feeder securely. Be sure to clear out any debris from around the mounting site before proceeding with installation. Use a post hole digger or shovel to create a hole deep enough for both the post and concrete mix if needed.

Place your post in the hole and fill in around it with soil or concrete until secure. If using concrete, allow 24 hours for it to dry before adding your feeder.

When installing a deer feeder, always remember safety first! Make sure all components are firmly secured when mounting and avoid sharp edges that may cause injury. Once complete, check every few weeks for signs of wear and tear on both hardware components and structure stability – this will help ensure your setup remains safe for years to come!

With these tips in mind, you’ll soon have a durable deer feeder setup ready for use – no matter what Mother Nature throws at it!

Mount the Feeder


Once you’ve picked the perfect spot, it’s time to get your feeder up and running! The key to successful mounting is following the manufacturer’s instructions, as well as taking into account deer behavior.

It’s important to consider feeding frequency when mounting your feeder; if you plan on using an automated feeder system, make sure that you mount it at a height that allows the food to be dispensed in a timely manner. If you plan on manually filling your feeder, make sure that it will be easy for you to reach while still being high enough off the ground so that other animals can’t access its contents.

When attaching hardware for hanging or securing your feeder, use bolts over screws whenever possible—bolts are less likely to come loose over time and won’t require regular maintenance or tightening. Additionally, try not to attach any part of the frame directly onto a tree; instead hang it from straps or posts and secure it with removable clamps in order to reduce damage to trees!

Once everything is mounted securely, check that there are no sharp edges or points that could potentially injure passing animals.

Your DIY deer feeder setup is almost complete! All that’s left now is filling the feeder with some tasty snacks for our local wildlife friends!

Fill the Feeder


Filling your feeder is a breeze, like pouring syrup on pancakes! Buying the right type of feed for the deer in your area is key to successful feeding.

Depending on the season, you’ll want to look for different types of feed. For example, in autumn when temperatures start to cool off and in winter during cold weather you should buy pellets high in protein as they’ll help provide energy for the deer.

During spring and summer months when temperatures are milder, you can switch to pellets that contain grains and legumes for more balanced nutrition throughout the year.

Once you’ve purchased the appropriate type of feed, it’s time to fill up your DIY deer feeder. Be sure to wear gloves while handling the feed so you don’t leave any human scent behind, which could scare away deer from using your new setup.

As a general rule, only refill when necessary as too much food will attract other animals such as birds or raccoons, which may damage your set-up or consume all of your precious food before it reaches its intended recipient – the deer!

Now that everything is filled up and ready to go, it’s time to monitor and maintain your new DIY deer feeder setup. Make sure there are no obstructions preventing easy access from hungry visitors by clearing pathways leading up to it regularly.

Also be mindful that certain plants and trees nearby may need trimming or removal depending on how wild they grow – this’ll ensure safety for both humans and animals alike around your setup!

Monitor and Maintain the Feeder


Make sure to keep an eye on your feeder and take action if needed to ensure a successful wildlife experience! Monitoring the feeder is key to ensuring that your DIY deer feeder setup works. The frequency of monitoring will depend on several factors, such as the size of the area you are feeding, local weather conditions, and other environmental factors.
Frequency Action Needed
Weekly Check food levels and refill if necessary
Monthly Clean out old food and check for signs of damage or tampering by critters or humans. Replace parts or repair if needed.
Seasonally (each season) Check for any issues with the structure or stability of the feeder itself. Make adjustments as necessary. Refill with new food as needed.

It’s also important to check the quality of the food being used in your deer feeders. Poor quality food can lead to health problems for wildlife, so make sure you choose a high-quality source that provides all necessary nutrients! Inspect it regularly for mold, bad smells, discoloration, insect infestations, or any other signs of spoilage before refilling your feeders each season. Additionally, consider rotating between different types of foods in order to provide variety in nutrition sources for animals visiting your DIY deer feeder setup!

By taking timely action when monitoring your DIY deer feeders you can enjoy watching wildlife from up close while also helping them thrive in their natural habitat – a win-win situation! With regular maintenance and attention you can be confident that you have created a safe and inviting environment for birds and other local species visiting your backyard space

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of feed should I use in my DIY deer feeder?

When setting up a deer feeder, you should use corn types that deer are most attracted to. Place the feeder in an area away from human activity and ensure it is at least 6 ft high for optimal results. Consider using different types of feed to attract more deer and keep them coming back. This will create a sense of belonging in the animal community.

How often do I need to fill the feeder?

You may need to fill your deer feeder every 1-2 weeks, depending on the feeding times and deer diets in your area. Fascinatingly, some deer can consume up to 9lbs of food a day! Make sure you provide them with an adequate diet and enough food so they can thrive.

How much space do I need around the feeder for the deer to be able to access it?

You need enough space around the feeder to attract deer. Consider their natural behavior and create an inviting atmosphere to ensure they feel safe and secure when accessing it.

Are there any safety considerations I need to be aware of when setting up a deer feeder?

When setting up a deer feeder, consider safety in terms of the surrounding environment and bait selection. Be aware of predators that may be attracted by the deer or bait, and take steps to protect both from potential harm. Choose baits wisely to avoid attracting unwanted wildlife.

Are there any predators I should be aware of that may try to access the feeder?

Be aware of predators that may try to access the feeder by utilizing deterrents and baiting techniques. Consider motion-activated lights, strong odors, and animal decoys to protect your deer feeding station from unwelcome visitors.


You’ve done it! You now have a well-functioning deer feeder that will keep the animals in your area fed and happy. Your hard work has paid off and you should be proud of yourself for taking on this task.

It wasn’t easy, but with some elbow grease and patience, you’ve hit the nail on the head.

Now all that’s left to do is monitor your feeder regularly and make sure it’s working properly. All in all, you can rest assured knowing you’ve pulled out all the stops to help these amazing creatures flourish in their natural habitat.

So take a bow; you deserve it!

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